What Are Hernias?
A hernia is when a part of the intestine pushes out from the abdomen and into the groin or scrotum (the sac of skin that the testicles hang in). Most hernias happen because of a weakness in the abdominal wall that the person was born with. If a piece of intestine becomes trapped in the scrotum, it can cut off the blood supply to the intestine and cause serious problems if the situation isn’t quickly corrected.
A doctor can feel for a hernia by using his or her fingers to examine the area around the groin and testicles. The doctor may ask you to cough while pressing on or feeling the area. Sometimes, the hernia causes a bulge that the doctor can detect. If this happens, surgery almost always repairs the hernia completely.
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What Is Testicular Cancer?
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Testicular cancer is unusual in teen guys, but it can happen. Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in guys aged 20 to 34, though — a good reason to get in the habit of regular testicular exams.
What Happens During a Testicular Exam?
Your doctor should examine your testicles at least once a year. He or she will grasp one testicle at a time, rolling it gently between the thumb and first finger to feel for lumps. The doctor will also feel if the testicle is hardened or enlarged.
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The doctor will teach you how to do testicular self-exams. Examine yourself at least once a month for any lumps or bumps on your testicles. Knowing how your testicles feel when they’re healthy will help you know when something feels different down there. Noticing any new testicular lumps or bumps as soon as possible gives the best chances for survival and total cure if it turns out to be cancer.
Even though it might feel weird to have your testicles checked out, it’s no big deal to the doctor. Sometimes when a doctor is examining that area, you might get an erection — this is something you can’t control. It’s a normal reaction that happens often during genital exams on guys. It won’t upset or bother the doctor, so there’s no need to feel embarrassed.
Nguồn: https://blogtinhoc.edu.vn
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